My experience as Virtual Volunteer

19 de Enero de 2021

On August 22th of 2020, I decided to join Africa Dream so one day I could go to Africa as a volunteer. I was not sure if to join now or to wait (for the pandemic to pass , but I sent an e-mail just in case. 

They answered me extremely fast and invited me to a meeting where I met Rodrigo Mercado (Executive Director) and his partner Diego Rivera. And just like that, I decided to join the Foundation. 

The crew that I found was amazing, full of energy. Many volunteers never had seen each other in person, but in the online meetings, they talked as if they were best friends. 

The culture of the Foundation is to help each other, carry out projects, make short classes about interest topics, celebrate birthdays and obviously to make “online parties”, which is what has kept a good performance during these complicated times. 

The online voluntary work is a big challenge, it requires commitment and working with a team from all ages and from different parts of Chile, with the purpose to take the dreams of the Foundation forward. It has been a great experience, with an environment with such motivation and positivity that is a real pleasure to be here.

The dream to go to Africa is very present in the team, and we are overly excited to go when the pandemic finishes. Meanwhile, we invite everyone to be part of this great team and to not use Covid as an excuse to postpone our goals. 


Cristóbal Nannig


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